For him, the main business of the American public should be his business.Īlthough his plan was not adopted by the Trump administration, that has hardly deterred Prince. Minderbinder essentially believed that all wars should be conducted by private enterprise-so long as the governments pick up the expenses. war in Afghanistan over to the private sector, which I previously wrote about here and here.Īlthough it was not widely appreciated then, Prince was doing an excellent imitation of Milo Minderbinder, the legendary fictional war profiteer in Joseph Heller’s famed Catch-22 novel. Prince, founder of the Blackwater private security company was in the news this past summer, with his plan to turn the U.S. Despite past rebuffs, he just keeps going, and going, and going. Now such a description could apply to more than a few people in the fields of finance, investing and technology, but in this case it applies to Erik Prince, the Energizer Bunny of the private military and security contracting (PMSC) industry. Question: What does a man worth billions of dollars want? Answer: More billions.